Looking back at Christmas 2020 and forward to a Happy New Year
Santa would like to thank the many people in and around Tulsa who made 2020 a wonderful Christmas season for him. Santa enjoyed making many of his traditional visits and looks forward to Christmas 2021, when many more traditional yearly visits will, we hope, return.
Philbrook's Festival Nights are always a special time, and the good people there took special care to ensure that Santa and all of his visitors stayed safe.

Philbrook also sponsored a new tradition: Talk 2 Santa virtual visits on KJRH 2 Works for You. During their evening newscast on the nine weeknights leading up to Christmas, Channel 2 broadcast a virtual visit with Santa and Tulsa children. You can watch all the videos on the KJRH.com website and embedded below.
Santa also enjoyed his first visit to Golf Suites of Jenks, his traditional visit to Tulsa Country Club, a virtual return visit to friends at Pershing School in Muskogee, and making new friends with the families at Classical Conversations in Bixby.
Santa wishes everyone a Happy New Year in 2021. As Tiny Tim Cratchit said, "God bless us, everyone!"