What Santa did this summer


Summer 2016 was an exciting time for Santa David and Mrs. Claus.

Santa visits Branson

In early July, they went to Branson to participate in Discover Santa 2016, a convention and gathering of hundreds of Santa's helpers.


CBS Sunday Morning ran a report about Discover Santa 2016 on their August 28, 2016, broadcast:

Santa visits New York City

Just a week later, Santa and Mrs. Claus visited New York City where they watched their grandson perform at Carnegie Hall, rode the subway, had dinner in Times Square, saw a Broadway musical, and made a pilgrimage to the Macy's Department Store in Herald Square, the site of The Miracle on 34th Street.



Macy's Santaland wasn't open yet, but there was a sign to remind us all that, before very long, Santa Claus will again be coming to town.


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This page contains a single entry published on August 31, 2016 7:59 AM.

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