Celebrate Santa 2009 wrap-up


Santa and Mrs. Claus are headed north after the conclusion of the Celebrate Santa 2009 convention. Here's his final report from Gatlinburg.

Hello Friends and Family,

Well, it is all over, but what a glorious time, visiting with old friends and making new friends.

The parade was a grand success. You can read all about it in this report from the Associated Press. The Knoxville News had a reporter there, too, and here is a gallery of the photos they took of the Holly and Shamrock Parade. There will be more information on www.CelebrateSanta.com. I am looking forward to next year when we gather again.

We will share more of what Mrs. Claus and I have learned in the future.

All our love,

Santa and Mrs. Claus

P. S. Here is just a little bit from the AP story about Celebrate Santa:

The convention, running three days through Wednesday at the Gatlinburg Convention Center, is a chance for them to hone their holiday craft by learning tips on how to be a better Santa and checking out the finest offerings in Santa wear and gear.

It's the largest gathering of its kind, and it's only the 12th Celebrate Santa convention that's taken place since the first one 70 years ago.

Phil Wenz, a Santa from Crescent City, Ill., instructed a workshop on the history of Santa in the 20th century with topics ranging from legendary Santas like Charles W. Howard and the Santa Claus School he created in 1937 in Midland, Mich.

"It's a source of inspiration for these guys," Wenz said.

Other workshops included hair care, magic and ventriloquism instruction, mall Santa etiquette, a session called "Reindeer 101" and something for the most modern Santas -- podcasting....

Later in the afternoon, the Santas lined up for the "Holly and Shamrock" parade, celebrating both their favorite holiday and the holiday of the day: St. Patrick's Day....

The parade featured juggling Santas, elves dressed like leprechauns and a Santa band. Other Santas marched in groups such as the "Florida 'Sandie' Clauses" and the "Yes, Virginia, these are your Santa Clauses" groups.


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